

Sarvion conducts modernization and upgrading of existing furnaces successfully. The base of this success is 40 years of furnace experience, customer minded team on mechanics, electric and software.

In the past year Sarvion accomplished many furnace modernization and upgrading projects according to new norms and requirements in Germany, Russia, Netherland, UK and Turkey. 


New norms are mainly, environmental emission standards, facility and equipment safety requirements, the importance of energy efficiency and CE marking of old furnaces.  



With successful upgrading of old furnaces our Customers gain competitive advantage without new furnace investment. As an example one of our customer in Germany has gained big advantage in many aspects as a result of a renovation done by Sarvion on a very old heat treatment line.  


Our customer produces parts for the automotive industry. As a result of the firm’s renovation investment, the return on investment can be summarized as follows;



Material unloading with robot and new software integration with the equipment in the system, increased production capacity considerably, this also leads to decrease of energy consumption per unit piece.



    With the pyrometer added to the furnace unloading system, the part temperature has been measured one by one inside the furnace. This also increase efficiency decrease decarburization. In addition, after forming operations, the part temperature was measured again before hardening, and the parts that are not at the proper temperature were separated to assure the quality of the product.



     In terms of the environment, flue gas emissions are also very important and mandatory to fulfill new requirements. Due to the heat losses before renovation, the furnace was heated up to higher temperatures than necessary. By preventing door heat losses, the oven operating temperature was lowered by 30 °C, thus reducing NOx emissions as well as decarb.

Another gain of our customer was that, the operators working in heavy conditions in front of the furnace and the press were moved to more comfortable jobs as a result of the replacing the operators working in unloading region with 24/7 shifts. On the other hand production losses due to operator shortages have been eliminated and production costs per unit have been reduced.

As a result, customer and employee satisfaction was achieved highly. With production increase, labor cost reduction, increased OEE.

By investing on your old furnaces you can get more than you would imagine with Sarvion expertise.